
Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

posted on February 8th 2016 in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

The HDS has 11 scales that measure how people behave when they are stressed or under pressure. It is the only business-related inventory that measures dysfunctional tendencies and the 11 scales can be used to highlight behavioural tendencies that can be barriers to career success.

These ‘dark side’ tendencies erode trust, loyalty and enthusiasm and are of particular concern in relation to supervisory, managerial and leadership roles. The HDS measures the interpersonal styles that become exaggerated under pressure and are difficult to detect in interviews.

It can also be used in the selection, development and retention of key employees as well as a coaching tool and for advanced team development.



    • pitchblue LLP / Buchan House / Carnegie Campus / Enterprise Way / Dunfermline / Fife / Scotland KY11 8PL
    • 01383 630 350
    • hello@pitchblue.co.uk
